Westmoreland House

Even before Burning Candy painted the giant skull and crocodile on its upper stories, the gutted hulk of Westmoreland House was a symbol of the dilapidation of Stokes Croft. This very neglect by land-bankers and property owners is why the PRSC, graffiti artists, squatters and other alternative & creative types adopted the area, and how it came to be the Cultural Quarter and Outdoor Gallery we know and love today. The distinctive and always changing walls of Westmoreland House have been one of the neighbourhood's main attractions for almost a decade.

This beautiful design was drawn by Bristol artist object… and is based on a limited edition screen print printed in Stokes Croft by the PRSC. It depicts many aspects of this iconic building's history and use since its willful dereliction, and celebrates the layers of graffiti which built up on its walls over the years.

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