About Us
"Peculiar Stuff for a Peculiar Society"
Since 2007, the People’s Republic of Stokes Croft – PRSC – has worked tirelessly to promote civil liberty with a particular focus on public space. Sweeping, painting and speaking out are part of our resistance to zealous overregulation of independent initiative. Our lead has arguably encouraged others to do the same and, as a result, Stokes Croft remains a hub of confident and creative dissent.
Stokes Croft China
As the factories in Staffordshire closed their doors in the early 2000s Chris Chalkley, founder of the Peoples Republic of Stokes Croft (PRSC), had the foresight to salvage the decorative transfers from the last major independent decorating factory in Stoke: Broadhurst Bros. of Burslem. He also rescued kilns, factory equipment, large quantities of undecorated chinaware and more transfers from long-closed factories, leading to what we believe is the largest collection of vintage ceramic transfers in the UK.
Rising from the shards of Staffordshire’s decimated ceramics industry, Stokes Croft China's existence is the expression of the desire to “Make Our Own Future”. By combining this treasure trove of historic print and ware with the street art and politics that abound in Stokes Croft, we produce unique yet distinctive china. Our production is very low run, predominantly unique ware, designed and produced by local artists, and fired on the premises.
Stokes Croft China is a small independent business in Stokes Croft, an area in the heart of Bristol which has always resisted convention - a cultural quarter with a thriving street art scene and strong political ideals, it saw the heroic resistance in 2011 to the opening of yet another supermarket chain in a neighbourhood defined by its independence and local traders.
Since 2007, the People's Republic of Stokes Croft has been actively seeking a different approach to the issues that confront society. This has manifested itself in an experimental approach to the "Commons" and property, building on the deeply embedded anarchistic approach that has been present for the longest time in Stokes Croft.
The revenue generated by Stokes Croft China directly funds the community activism and activities of PRSC, such as the outdoor gallery and mural wall, our regular People's Art Fair, the School of Activism, a radio station, youth workshops, and support for local rough sleepers.

People's Printshop
The People's Printshop is a secret screen printing studio hidden away behind a non-descript door in PRSC HQ.